



about us






“Un Message, Evidemment”......... an ongoing open source collaborative film/performance. The performance actions are built around the making of an interactive collaborative film. The film is a story about communication. The performance is a communication about story.

The film is shot. The film has not been written. The film will be written through mobile phones, voice messages, smsís, email, conversations, random overheard snatches of dialogue and other sounds produced by the participants of various festivals, seminars, workshops, or visitors to

The initial footage was shot in Paris. More shooting followed in Kuala Lumpur, Tampa, Prague, Vienna, New York, Seoul, Borneo. Shooting will continue. All shots are XCUís of individuals listening to cell phones. In the background of every shot is a dramatic action. No sound is recorded. Sound will be added in post. The ëstoryí will be told entirely in the recorded messages that the foreground characters are listening to on their cell phones. These stories will be selected, synthesized and/or adapted from the contributions at this website and other venues.

But there is not one story or even one film. Anyone can download footage from the website and make their own message evidemment. U.M.E. examines and transforms the structure of filmmaking. U.M.E. is not ìa filmî but an infinite number of hybrid minimalist/structuralist/whammy-films. We donít make it. We donít own it.Ý We are just the instigators of an internet-facilitated experiment that we hope will carry on just fine without us. Un Message Evidemment is an invitation.

.the film is a story about communication.................t

................the performance is a communication about story.

......................................................................................................................santa monica